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Faster Onboarding Equals Better Investor Relations for Private Equity Firms

Faster Onboarding Equals Better Investor Relations for Private Equity Firms


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A slow investor onboarding process could be harming your firm's relationship with investors. 

For private equity firms, the investor onboarding process has been slow and complicated for a long time, often requiring multiple steps.  But that is changing now. 

Investors expect the same ease and efficiency in fund operations as they experience with other online services. While they aren't explicitly demanding these changes, their rising expectations mean that adopting tech solutions not only streamlines processes but also strengthens the relationship between fund managers and investors.

The private equity market is projected to grow at an annual rate of 10.2% from 2022 to 2028. Fund managers need scalable back-office processes to handle this growth and meet investor expectations.

Historically, investor onboarding required extensive back-and-forth between fund administrators, investors, and third-party firms like law offices, with no single source of truth. Different parties or team members often held large datasets, making the entire process inefficient.

Now, with automated regulatory checks, investor wallets, and digital signatures, investor onboarding is much easier. Using tech solutions allows fund managers and GPs to focus on strategic investment decisions and quickly retrieve data or communicate with investors. 

investor onboarding

One of our clients, FLEX Capital (a private equity fund investing in mid-sized German internet and software companies), had a manual and time-consuming investor onboarding process. 

Their team had to send large batches of PDFs to each investor and wait long periods for them to return signed documents. This made it difficult to track the status of each investor and to know how much had been raised at any given time. 

Managing all LP information in Excel also consumed significant time and added to their administrative burden. The challenges Flex Capital faced are common among many funds and one of the reasons why we created Vestlane. 

We wanted to speed up the investor onboarding process and support funds with regulatory checks. Our platform simplifies the process for everyone involved and automates tasks where possible, allowing fund admins, managers, GPs, law firms, and investors to save time on onboarding.

Thomas Mayer

Vestlane has allowed us to have all important LP information in one single and secure tool that can be accessed (with the respective rights) by all relevant employees. Gone are the Excel lists, and gone is the massive amount of paper as well as email streams.

Flex Capital Logo

Thomas Mayer

Director of Finance at FLEX Capital

A study by Kofax found that onboarding high-net-worth individuals takes an average of 41 days. Private equity funds must comply with various regulatory requirements to ensure transparency, protect investors, and prevent financial crimes. 

Germany enforces stringent anti-money laundering and KYC regulations to safeguard financial markets and prevent financial crimes. 

These rules, among the strictest in the EU, are monitored by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and adhere to both national and EU laws. They require thorough verification of investor identities, ownership details, and ongoing transaction monitoring. 

Some of the steps involved include: 

1. Investor Identification

  • Collect basic information (name, date of birth, address, ID number).
  • Verify identity using government-issued documents and reliable sources.

2. Due Diligence

  • Assess the investor's risk profile (country, business nature, investment type).
  • Gather additional information for higher-risk investors (source of funds, business details).

3. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

  • Apply EDD for high-risk investors (PEPs, high-risk jurisdictions).
  • Conduct deeper investigations (background checks, beneficial ownership verification).

4. Ongoing Monitoring

  • Continuously monitor transactions for suspicious activities.
  • Regularly review and update investor information.

5. Screening Against Sanctions Lists

  • Screen investors against global sanctions, watch lists, and PEP lists.
  • For firms operating internationally or with foreign investors, screening becomes even more critical due to the complexity of different sanctions regimes based on jurisdiction. 

6. Reporting Suspicious Activities

  • File Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with relevant authorities to detect suspicious activities.
  • Establish internal reporting processes for compliance team review.

7. Record Keeping

  • Maintain comprehensive records of all KYC/AML activities.
  • Store records for the required period (usually five years).

While the steps are simple, carrying out KYC/AML compliance in private equity is tedious. It involves numerous emails, forms, and back-and-forth communication with each potential investor. 

A digital platform like Vestlane allows fund managers to capture and manage all necessary KYC/AML data through intuitive questionnaires. We help with the collection of 

  • Investor identity details
  • Banking information
  • UBO details
  • Wealth origin
  • Investor classification
  • FATCA/CRS data
  • Tax compliance information

Investor onboarding

For private equity firms using Vestlane, investor onboarding is simple. 

  1. Invite investors to your fund through Vestlane and easily capture their information through intelligent questionnaires and prefilled company register data. 
  2. Verify investor documents and automate KYC/AML checks with ease. Funds can provide law firms and other third-party services with an instant, single source of truth.
  3.  Send subscription agreements with options for investors to use qualified electronic signatures. 

After onboarding, you can track, manage, and constantly communicate with investors about the fund's progress and offer detailed insights into your fundraising pipeline.    

How Do Private Equity Investors Differ from Venture Capital?

Private equity and venture capital funds attract different types of investors, each with distinct requirements and expectations.

PE funds often work with established entities which have strict compliance mandates.. On the other hand, VC investors, such as high-net-worth individuals, angel investors, and corporate venture arms, face fewer bureaucratic hurdles, making the onboarding process simpler.

Individual investors may not require the same level of scrutiny as institutional investors since they are using their own funds and are subject to fewer regulatory constraints.

Private Equity Investors vs Venture Capital Investors*

Venture CapitalPrivate Equity
Investor TypesIndividual Investors, Venture Capital Firms, Corporate Venture Arms, Some Institutional Investors, HNWIsMostly Institutional Investors (Pension Funds, Endowments, Foundations, Insurance Companies), HNWIs, Family Offices.
Investor CharacteristicsTypically wealthy individuals, often former entrepreneurs, investing in early-stage startups.Institutional Investors: Large pools of capital aiming for long-term growth (e.g., pension funds, endowments).
Focus and StrategyHigh-risk, high-reward investments.Stable, predictable returns through financial and operational improvements in mature companies.
Key ConsiderationsHigh failure rate tolerance.Focus on value creation and strategic oversight.

*The data in this table is informational and should not be used as a legal advice substitute.

Improving the Investor Onboarding Experience

We have over 6,000 investors already onboarded on Vestlane and readily accessible to funds that use our platform. 

One feature that truly impresses both investors and fund managers is our "5-Minute Subscription" functionality. This feature allows investors who have already submitted their details and gone through the necessary checks to instantly subscribe to other funds by reusing the saved data in their investor wallet.

investor wallet

Fund managers also benefit from Vestlane’s intelligent information capturing, which is trusted by thousands of LPs. It’s an intuitive questionnaire which collects only relevant information from investors and allows them to bypass unnecessary questions. 

Additionally, our platform integrations allow funds to use prefilled company data from sources like North Data and support qualified digital signatures, further simplifying the onboarding process and enhancing efficiency.

For funds not using a digital onboarding platform, some steps you could take to improve the investor experience are: 

  • Use clear, concise, and well-structured forms to gather necessary information. 
  • Provide investors with a detailed, step-by-step guide to follow during onboarding. This can help minimize confusion and ensure they understand each stage of the process.
  • Keep investors informed about their onboarding status through regular updates via email or phone calls. Transparency in communication helps build trust and reduces frustration.

If you are considering digitizing some of your operations, Vestlane also offers a data room (a centralized hub for sharing critical documents), making it much easier to communicate with investors and have all the necessary parties access the documentation. 

After years of hands-on experience in private equity fund operations and extensive discussions with numerous investors, we confidently believe that digital solutions are the future of this industry. While we may not be able to automate every process, the time savings offered by digital tools make a significant difference and give investors a better impression of the fund.

For more information on how technology can transform your investor onboarding process, book a demo with us and get a quote within 30 minutes. We know your time is valuable and are happy to support your fund by expediting investor onboarding.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does digital onboarding improve the investor experience?

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Digital onboarding simplifies the process by automating compliance checks, using intuitive questionnaires to gather necessary information, and providing a central platform for communication. This reduces errors, speeds up the process, and keeps investors informed.

What are the benefits of using a digital platform like Vestlane for investor onboarding?

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Vestlane offers features like 5-minute subscriptions for repeat investors, automated KYC/AML checks, and integrations with data sources like North Data. These features streamline the onboarding process, reduce manual effort, and enhance the investor experience.

Why is the onboarding process different for private equity and venture capital?

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Private equity onboarding typically involves more established entities and requires thorough due diligence and comprehensive documentation. Venture capital onboarding focuses on the potential growth of startups, which involves less extensive documentation and quicker processes due to the higher risk tolerance of VC investors.

What types of investors are typically involved in private equity and venture capital?

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Private equity investors usually include institutional investors like pension funds, insurance companies, and endowments. Venture capital investors often include high-net-worth individuals, angel investors, corporate venture arms, and institutional investors looking for high-growth potential.

How does Vestlane handle data security for investor information?

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Vestlane uses secure servers, encryption protocols, and access controls to protect investor data. Regular security assessments ensure that all information is stored and handled securely.