March 21, 2023
8 min

How to fundraise your PE or VC fund in 2023: What investors are looking for

Market volatility and geopolitical uncertainties have kept the private equity fundraising sentiment bleak in 2023. As a result, it’s even more crucial than ever to understand current market trends and LP expectations to successfully raise a fund. 

Additionally, what LPs are looking for is effectively changing – funds now need to demonstrate a clear commitment to ESG and show they can actively help their portfolio companies succeed.

In this blog post, we’ll be going over what investors are looking for in detail. Read on if you want to find out the industry insights that help you know how to fundraise your PE or VC fund in 2023!

State of the fundraising market 2023

Since the Russian attack on Ukraine, we have seen fluctuating levels of market volatility caused by a lingering environment of geopolitical uncertainty. Funds around the world face challenges in valuing portfolio companies and making sound investment decisions in such an environment.

Moreover, the attack has also led to a slowdown in deal-making activity and exit opportunities. This has made it difficult for funds to demonstrate their ability to generate returns to LPs.

In addition, other geopolitical uncertainties such as trade tensions and political instability have added to the challenges faced by the private market industry. A strong example of this is the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China which have had a significant impact on both global market volatility and investor sentiment.

Despite these challenges, private markets have continued to grow and perform well, leading to increasing investor interest in alternative assets. A lack of performing public assets and more and more value being created by private companies makes it still an interesting asset class for many investors.

As a result, funds that can differentiate themselves by offering strong value propositions and demonstrating a clear commitment to ESG considerations are now much more likely to succeed in fundraising efforts.

Operational expertise has also become increasingly important for fund managers as a means of driving value creation. In the past, funds relied heavily on financial engineering to generate returns, such as leveraging portfolio companies or implementing cost-cutting measures. 

But in the absence of cheap debt and rising costs, fund managers need to focus more heavily on operational improvements to generate returns. Fund managers now need to have a deep understanding of their portfolio companies and how they operate. They need to be able to identify and implement operational improvements that can lead to growth and increased profitability.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at what LPs expect from funds in 2023.

What LPs are looking for

Understanding LP preferences is critical for launching a successful fund. Institutional investors have specific investment mandates and expectations for their investments – funds that are able to meet these expectations are more likely to attract and retain LPs.

Additionally, funds that truly understand LP preferences can tailor their approach to fundraising and differentiate themselves from their competitors in the market. They can also develop a targeted fundraising strategy that highlights their strengths and value proposition. 

But what exactly are the factors that matter most to LPs? Let’s explore.

The factors that matter most to LPs

When it comes to private equity or venture capital fundraising, LPs look for experienced fund managers who can deliver strong returns for their investors. Two of the most important factors that matter to LPs are a fund's track record and team selection.

Track record

A track record of generating strong returns is critical for attracting and retaining LPs. LPs want to invest with fund managers who have a proven track record of generating returns that meet or exceed their expectations. 

Therefore, funds that can demonstrate a history of generating attractive returns are more likely to attract LPs and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

When it comes to new funds that don’t yet have a track record, they need to focus on the personal achievements of the founding partners and other team members to demonstrate their competence.

Team selection

Team selection is also a critical factor for LPs when evaluating funds. LPs want to invest with fund managers who have a strong team with the necessary experience to successfully execute their investment strategy. 

This includes not only the investment team but also the support staff, such as legal, compliance, and operations professionals. A strong team can help funds identify and execute investment opportunities and show the capacity to generate returns for its investors.

Digital touchpoints: What LPs look for in a data room

The data room

LPs increasingly rely on digital touchpoints to evaluate funds during the fundraising process. That’s why a well-organized data room is a critical component of successfully raising a PE or VC fund. The data room should include key components like historical fund performance, investment team bios, and deal pipelines. 

Additionally, LPs appreciate personalized touches like videos of CEOs, proof of collaboration among team members, and testimonials from satisfied partners. These elements can help LPs better understand the investment opportunity and evaluate the fund's strengths. 

Need help in crafting your Data Room? Explore the Vestlane Data Room – a secure and organized platform for storing and sharing critical documents with potential investors. Easily manage and analyse investor activity, tailor your presentations and maximize your chances of securing investment. 

In addition to a well-organized data room, funds need to develop a strong pitch deck that clearly articulates the investment thesis and value proposition of the fund. Want to find out more about how to create a successful pitch deck? Check out our full guide on crafting the perfect fund presentation to impress LPs.

The emerging importance of ESG

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations play an increasingly important role in private capital fundraising. LPs are more and more demanding transparency and accountability around ESG issues, and funds need to demonstrate a clear commitment in order to attract and retain LPs.

Having a strong ESG strategy in place can help funds attract a wider pool of LPs and differentiate themselves from their competitors. LPs are becoming more selective in their investments and now often turn down alternative managers that do not meet their ESG standards.

The top 5 ESG questions LPs ask

During private equity and venture capital fundraising, LPs ask more and more ESG-related questions to better understand a fund's approach to responsible investing practices. Here are the top 5 ESG questions that LPs typically ask:

  • What is your fund's approach to climate change? LPs are interested in understanding how funds are addressing climate change and mitigating associated risks. This includes how funds are incorporating climate change considerations into their investment decisions, managing the environmental impact of their portfolio companies, and preparing for the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • How does your fund address diversity and inclusion? LPs are now more focused on diversity and inclusion and are looking for funds that demonstrate a clear commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity. They want to find out how funds are implementing diversity within their own organizations, as well as how they are working with portfolio companies to promote diversity and inclusivity.
  • What is your approach to supply chain management? Supply chain management is a critical ESG consideration, particularly in industries with high environmental and social risks. LPs are interested in understanding how funds are managing supply chain risks and ensuring that portfolio companies are operating responsibly and sustainably.
  • How does your fund measure and report on ESG performance? LPs look for transparency and accountability around ESG issues and want to understand how funds are measuring and reporting on ESG performance. This includes how funds are setting ESG targets, tracking progress, and reporting on ESG performance to investors and other stakeholders.
  • How does your fund engage with portfolio companies on ESG issues? LPs want funds that actively engage with portfolio companies on ESG issues and promote responsible investing practices. Funds need to show how they are integrating ESG considerations into investment decisions, working with portfolio companies to improve their ESG performance, and holding portfolio companies accountable for ESG performance.

The importance of operational expertise and value creation to drive returns

In today's market, fund managers need to focus more heavily on operational improvements to generate returns, particularly in the absence of cheap debt and rising valuations. 2023 has brought about a substantial shift towards operational expertise. 

To succeed in this complex environment, fund managers need to have a deep understanding of their portfolio companies and how they operate. They need to be able to identify and implement operational improvements that can lead to growth and increased profitability. This requires a strong focus on areas such as supply chain management, marketing and sales, and technology adoption.

The shift towards operational expertise is driven by several factors, including the increasing competition in the private equity industry. With so many new funds being launched and capital readily available, funds need to do more than just add capital to their portfolio companies in order to outperform their peers.

How to successfully raise your fund

In addition to developing a clear investment thesis, building a strong team, and communicating effectively with LPs, fund managers can hugely benefit from rewarding loyalty and developing creative fundraising strategies

  • Rewarding loyalty: LPs who have invested in previous funds and have a track record of success with the fund manager are valuable assets. Fund managers can reward loyalty by providing favorable terms or exclusive investment opportunities to these LPs. This helps build long-term relationships and generate repeat investments.
  • Developing creative fundraising strategies: Fund managers can develop creative fundraising strategies to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. For example, they may develop unique investment structures, co-investment opportunities, or niche investment themes that align with LP interests. These strategies can help attract new investors and build a loyal LP base.
  • Leveraging technology: Technology can be a powerful tool for private equity fundraising. Fund managers can use data analytics, artificial intelligence, and other technologies to identify potential investors, tailor their fundraising pitches, and improve their overall fundraising strategy. This can lead to more efficient and effective fundraising, as well as improved relationships with LPs.
  • Partnering with placement agents: Placement agents can be valuable partners for private equity fund managers, helping to identify potential investors and provide access to their networks. Fund managers can leverage placement agents to develop customized fundraising strategies and improve their overall fundraising efforts.

Lessons learned from a slower fundraising market and how to adjust your strategy

During slower fundraising markets, it's essential for fund managers to be patient and flexible in their fundraising strategy. It may take longer to raise capital and close deals during these times, and managers need to be prepared to adapt to changing market conditions and investor preferences. This means being open to adjusting timelines, revisiting fundraising targets, and reevaluating the marketing strategy as needed.

In a slower fundraising market, building strong relationships with potential investors is critical to success. Rather than solely focusing on pitching your fund, it's important to take the time to understand investor needs and preferences, their investment goals, and their current portfolio. This allows you to tailor your fundraising pitch and demonstrate how your fund can fit into their overall investment strategy.

Building relationships with investors involves ongoing communication, even outside the fundraising process. Additionally, engaging with potential investors on social media or attending industry events can help build rapport and establish credibility.

What Happens After You’ve Raised Your Fund

Raising a private equity fund is no easy feat, but what happens after you've secured commitments? Building and maintaining strong relationships with investors is essential for ensuring satisfaction.

LPs have high expectations when it comes to communication. They expect regular updates on fund performance, portfolio companies, and market trends. It's important for fund managers to set expectations early on and establish a clear communication plan that meets the needs and preferences of their LPs.

Effective LP communication can help address potential issues before they become major problems. Regular updates on fund performance and portfolio companies, as well as transparent and timely reporting on ESG considerations, can help build trust and demonstrate accountability.

LPs are often sophisticated investors with deep industry expertise and valuable insights into their niche. Effective LP communication can also lead to increased investor engagement and buy-in, critical during periods of market volatility or economic uncertainty

Takeaway: Is the Downturn an Opportunity?

Despite the challenges posed by the current private capital fundraising market, the downturn can be seen as an opportunity for savvy fund managers. While the market is more competitive and LP expectations are higher than ever, there are opportunities to differentiate your fund and generate attractive returns. 

Additionally, the current market conditions may present unique opportunities to invest in companies at lower valuations, potentially leading to greater long-term returns.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What are the trends for private equity in 2023?

Fundraising sentiment is expected to be more challenging in 2023 due to market volatility and geopolitical uncertainties. However, there is still demand to access private markets through private equity, venture capital or real estate fund. Especially the growing interest of wealthy individuals can help you manage the tough market and successfully close your fund. 

How do you fundraise for a private equity fund?

Fundraising for a private equity fund requires a strong understanding of market trends and LP expectations, as well as a differentiated investment strategy that addresses a specific market niche or opportunity. Developing a well-organized data room and pitch deck that clearly articulates the investment thesis and value proposition of the fund is critical for attracting and retaining LPs. 

What are the most important factors that LPs look for when evaluating a private equity or venture capital fund?

LPs typically look for funds with a strong track record, a talented and experienced team, and a well-defined investment thesis and value proposition. Other factors that may be important to LPs include a fund's approach to ESG considerations, the quality of the fund's data room and pitch deck, and the fund manager's ability to effectively communicate with investors.

How can fund managers demonstrate their commitment to ESG considerations and attract more LPs?

Fund managers can demonstrate their commitment to ESG considerations by implementing strong ESG policies and practices across their portfolio companies, and by providing transparent and regular reporting on ESG performance. Additionally, fund managers can seek out ESG-focused LPs and incorporate ESG considerations into their pitch deck and investment thesis.

What are some best practices for developing a pitch deck that effectively communicates the investment thesis and value proposition of a fund?

Some best practices for developing a pitch deck include keeping the presentation concise and visually appealing, clearly articulating the fund's investment thesis and value proposition, and providing detailed information on the fund's track record, team, and portfolio companies. Additionally, including case studies and testimonials can help demonstrate the fund's ability to deliver results.

How can fund managers add value through operational improvements and drive returns?

Fund managers can add value through operational improvements by identifying cost savings opportunities, streamlining operations, and implementing new technologies that can lead to increased efficiency. Offering an outside perspective and sharing best practices from other portfolio companies can be of great help. With their expertise in M&A and Financial transactions, Fund Managers can also help to expand in new markets. 

How can fund managers effectively communicate with LPs and build strong relationships with investors?

Fund managers can effectively communicate with LPs by providing regular updates on fund performance, portfolio companies, and market trends, and by demonstrating transparency and accountability in all communications. Additionally, building personal relationships with LPs and showing a genuine interest in their needs and expectations can help build long-term partnerships.

How can fund managers adapt their fundraising strategy in response to changing market conditions and LP preferences?

Fund managers can adapt their fundraising strategy by staying up-to-date on market trends and LP preferences, and by adjusting their pitch deck and investment thesis to align with these trends. 

How can fund managers differentiate their funds and generate attractive returns in a competitive market?

Fund managers can differentiate their funds by developing a unique and differentiated investment strategy that addresses a specific market niche or opportunity.  Fund managers may also consider incorporating ESG considerations into their investment thesis, as LPs are increasingly prioritizing these factors.

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